Ethical Management Policy

At Unique Sound, all employees are committed to upholding the prescribed code of ethical conduct in order to adhere to social responsibility for a proper corporate value and practice transparent management.

Respect and Responsibility for Customers, Shareholders and Employees
  • We practice a customer satisfaction through a customer satisfaction management.   
  • We maintain a healthy organizational atmosphere by conducting transparent and fair business operations
  • We always strive to improve the quality of life of employees by strengthening labor-management relations based on trust and forming a healthy organizational culture.
Fair Competition and Transaction
  • We respect the free market economic order and strive to establish a fair and transparent trading order.
Compliance with Internal Reporting
  • Under no circumstances should you provide or receive entertainment in connection with your job.
  • Any violation of the company’s code of conduct or ethical guidelines must be reported and the identity of the whistleblower shall be kept as confidential.
Responsibility to the country and society
  • We respect the values of the country and society adhere to laws and regulations and contribute to national and regional development through sound corporate activities.
  • We respect a personal vote and political freedom but internal political activity in the company strictly prohibited